GravitationGeophysicsEvolution/BiologyAstronomyAlgorithmsGlobal WarmingConsciousness

Physics of Gravity

This article describes electromagnetic origin of gravity and describes techniques to generate gravitational field that has the opposite sign to that of Earth.

Following ignition of its nuclear synthesis, a newly created star ejects laser-like jet of matter along its axis of rotation in two opposite directions. This matter, accelerated to relativistic speeds (speeds comparable to the speed of light) away from its source, interacts with the surrounding gas producing light that we can see using a telescope. Similar highly collimated bi-directional jets are generated by other spinning cosmic objects such as quasars and generate the most energetic cosmic rays known to man. This image provides a 2022 cosmic illustration of the hypothesis presented in the 2013 article above. Credit: NASA Hubble telescope 12 March 2022